Risk Warning and Disclaimer 

Motorsport Activities are inherently dangerous recreational activities and there is significant risk of injury, disability or death. If you do not wish to be exposed to such risks, then you should not participate in the Motorsport Activities. 

Acknowledgement of Risks 

I acknowledge the risk that I may suffer harm as a result of attempting to drive a vehicle at the limits of its performance as predicted in Coach98’s analysis and reports.

I further acknowledge that there may be variations in the Coach98 analysis and report due to many factors that are either not modeled or if modeled vary between the the analysed log and any subsequent Track day. I acknowledge that the are many factors not limited to the following, that may impact the applicability of Coach98’s analysis and reports

  • Track conditions such as weather, surface modifications temperature, wind etc
  • Unmodeled or approximately modeled Track attributes such as camber, crest, width, suface conformity
  • Vehicle conditions such as tyre pressure, fuel load, fuel quality, vehicle wear and fault, tyre condition, suspension settings
  • Unmodeled or approximately modeled Vehicle attributes such as weight distribution, dynamic suspension behaviour.

I acknowledge that Coach98 makes a reasonable effort to model my Vehicle and Track behavior but other factors can influence accuracy and therefore I will always approach my driving in a careful and cautious manner.

I acknowledge that Coach98 does not guarantee that my vehicle can be driven in the manner predicted in Coach98’s analysis and reports and to attempt to do so may be dangerous, potentially leading to my death or serious injury.

Exclusion of Liability, Release and Indemnity

I agree to release Coach98 from all liability for: 

  • my death; 
  • any physical or mental injury (including the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of such an injury);
  • to indemnify and hold harmless and keep indemnified Coach98.com to the maximum extent permitted by law in respect of any Claim by any person; and 
  • to attend at or participate in the Motorsport Activities at my own risk. 


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