coach98 is designed to improve your lap times through specific actionable feedback of your drives in your car.

This differs from the excellent drive recording and replay systems that exist because with coach98 you are compared to the best driver in your car. Our AI doesn’t just use pre-programmed track curvatures to limit lateral G forces, the line (and therefore instantaneous lateral G) is optimised. Also the acceleration of the vehicle (on its instantaneous G circle) is limited further by Jerk (3rd order) constraints. This means the vehicle cannot quickly flick from one side of the G circle to the other in an unrealistic manner. Higher order Snap and Crackle contraints are not imposed. 🙂

To get your laps analysed create or login to your account and upload a log file. coach98 will automatically determine which track (and track configuration) you drove. The capabilities of your vehicle are then automatically determined and the best line and acceleration / braking profiles are estimated. When you submit your log we also ask for the weight of the fully loaded vehicle and a rough statement on the aerodynamics package on the vehicle.

If there are multiple laps in the log coach98 will analyse only the first.


Within a few minutes you will receive several files by email.


A report showing you were you can improve with Gap analysis over the whole lap by micro sector is provided with reasons for the gaps occurring. Tracks typically have hundreds of micro sectors where coach98 analyses your drive. The report of course includes your laptime and the AI laptime which would have been achievable in your car on that day.

Micro Sector performance table
Micro Sector performance table

Of course a track map showing the micro sectors is included in the report.

Micro Sector Example
Micro Sector Example

Each problematic micro sector is also displayed in detail showing line, speed and G differences. In this example below the driver (shown in Blue) did not execute a smooth trail brake into the right hander. Nor was all of the braking performance used smoothly. The driver braked too early and then, to their credit, tried to correct by releasing the brake somewhat to compensate. But by this time the entry was ruined.

Highlight showing poor Trail braking
Highlight showing poor Trail braking

An example of a report is included here.

Video File

A video (that you can pause and inspect) shows a track view, G circle view and Gap view. In this example we see the poor trail brake above roll out further in full track view.

Video Replay Example
Video Replay Example

A full video example is shown below.

Video Replay File

Once your car is modeled it can be replayed on any track. This feature is coming soon. Below we show AI driving a 911 GT3 and a Clio 172 on Snetterton! Not really fair. The 911 is approaching an impressive 250 km/hr (nearly 160 mph) towards the bridge. Both drives are synthetic from a learnt vehicle. The quality of the trail braking is exemplary of course and the lap times reflect these perfect drives.

KML File

A file suitable for viewing in GoogleEarth showing

  • Gaining or losing time by micro sector
  • Forward Accerlation (G)
  • Braking Acceleration (G)
  • Lateral Acceleraton (G)
  • Speed

Below example shows micro sector performance. Red is bad. Clear is good. This driver has work to do on mid corner in almost all corners. High speed corners are generally OK. Braking into harpin also not ideal.

Time Loss/Gain Example