Q: How long will it take to get my analysis back?
A: Normally the AI has learnt your car and analysed the track with a model of your car within a few minutes. If something went wrong you will be notified.

Q: I’ve paid and uploaded my log files. What happens next?
A: coach98 will analyse your log and you will get an email with your analysis typically within a few minutes. It takes the AI a little while to learn your car.

Q: What if my log files are not one of the supported types?
A: We will refund your fee and may add support for your format if it is common.

Q: Why “coach98”?
A: Objective measurement based feedback on you actual drives and performance relative to 1G (9.8 m/s/s) is paramount 🙂

Q: Is aerodyanmic performance modeled?
A: Yes, a coefficient of “Lift” is employed. For a typical street sports car there will be little downforce added. Also a coefficent of drag is used.

Q: Are gear shifts modelled?
A: Yes. Ratios and time to shift are included. You will notice small speed stalls where the shifts occur, just like your car.

Q: Is the track model 3D?
A: Yes, uphill and down hill sections effect braking and acceleration performance. Track slope across the car is not yet modelled.

Q: What if it was raining when I took my log?
A: coach98 assumes the track conditions were consistent across the log file. If the track was wet for your drive then the automatically computed car capability will account for the reduction in grip.

Q: What currencies are available in the shop?
A: Currently all products are priced in Australian Dollars (about USD or Euro 0.7)